Why Employee Engagement is More Necessary Now Than Ever

Targeting employee engagement for remote workers

The coronavirus pandemic has put remote work in the forefront of commerce as many companies have been forced to consider work-from-home (WFH) and other remote work alternatives to continue operations. Whilst this change was inevitably going to come with its own set of challenges for employee engagement, it is evident that many organisations are under prepared and uninformed with how to deal with it.

While some employees are no stranger to WFH, for most, the COVID-19 crisis is the setting of their first experience with telecommuting. And while the prospect of working from home may have been exciting for some, once the novelty wears off, the changing demands of employees and businesses alike will surface and need to be addressed. Employee engagement is at the corner stone of happy, committed workforces, and now more than ever, organisations must take a digital approach to achieving it.

Keeping up with the times

For sure, working remotely comes with its own unique challenges, not the least of which are communication problems that can lead to disengagement and low productivity. It is critical at this time for businesses to periodically evaluate the communication and collaboration tools they provide their staff, to prevent succumbing to the potential pitfalls at play.

Recent studies show that remote workers are more productive than their office-based counterparts. However, maintaining employee engagement in a remote work setup amidst the ongoing pandemic is now a primary concern of human resources.

The COVID-19 outbreak and all its ramifications have made this drastic work transformation from working in the office to WFH more challenging. Employees are expected to deal with the transition from office work to telecommuting whilst also remaining productive. They are also saddled with health and family concerns and need to face the financial uncertainties characteristic of these times. With employees who are stressed and aren’t engaged, demotivation and a decrease in productivity can’t be far behind.

It then falls on managers to take specific steps and adopt measures to ensure employee engagement doesn’t continue to deteriorate. There is an increasing need for companies to adopt an innovative solution, like EonX’s Rec Room – an all-in-one employee engagement and communication solution designed to address employee engagement concerns and bridge gaps in the remote work communication process.

Rec Room delivers employee engagement

Key features

Rec Room is a place where your employees can express their thoughts and ideas, and share achievements and goals. It’s also a platform where they can get the recognition they deserve for their performance and accomplishments.

The following are some key features of the Rec Room:

Live Chat: The Live Chat feature enables employees to connect and chat socially and professionally. Here, they can ‘Share’ work files and attachments, as well as GIFs, emojis and all sorts of stuff.

This allows employees to be connected in real-time whilst working remotely, thereby strengthening bonds and relationships, whilst also providing a venue for seamless communication at work.

Centralised Communications Feed: Rec Room’s News feed feature lets everyone in the company feel socially connected by allowing them to ‘Post’, ‘Like’, ‘Comment’ and ‘Share’ other people’s posts, too. Employees can be kept connected to one another even remotely.

Whether it’s major announcements, important updates, small success stories, memes, etc., everyone can share what they want in this centralised information-rich location. This News feed is an excellent tool for promoting a positive work culture, increasing participation and improving employee engagement, even during a time of separation.

- Groups: Rec Room’s Groups feature allows employees to come up with their own groups, both public and private. Employees can remain connected to their peers through Groups as they can be pre-set based on department, project or role.

Members can continue to engage as usual through creating a Post, sharing files and even giving out Awards or special recognition to people within their own Groups. It’s a great way to communicate about a project or objective, and to keep your group organised and updated. It also lets everyone to stay connected on a daily basis, especially with people they need to collaborate with regularly.

Keep your people engaged with Rec Room

Employee engagement is usually a critical concern in many organisations, whether in the best or worst of times. With the COVID-19 pandemic, developing and maintaining engagement is even more important in order for companies to remain productive and continue thriving even during these challenging times.

So, if you’re on the lookout for a tool or platform that can help you jumpstart your employee engagement, recognition and communication efforts, give Rec Room a try.

Get in touch with us today.